Friday, September 29, 2006

time for a break

Having such a killer schedule these days, I realized how nice it was before. I miss the time to discover new music, wonder around, surf internet, read, have coffee with friends, and what's more, the time for my photography. I haven't taken many since I came back from Japan this summer, and now, what bugs me most is I am forgetting the sense for taking photographs. After a long (well, for me) absence of having my camera with me all the time, my photography sucks pretty much.
Need a break to return to the life I like...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Filthy and Gorgeous

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Nothing but for laugh.
What a great (=terrible) US president he is!


"Mom, the strange asian is looking at me."

Monday, September 11, 2006


Life would be different.


Time = Rust

Monday, September 04, 2006

New York

I watched "United 93", the movie about 9.11, the other day. It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years since then. I have no relative living in or related to New York. There is no connection between the city and me. I just remember that I was watching the World Trade Center burning, being crashed, falling and gone like a cheap plastic Lego on TV at 10:00pm in Japan. I was too young to recognize what was happening in the 32inch screen.

I had never thought I would watch how a war starts. Never thought I would face to any wars. For me, war was the brutal history of past human beings. I was wrong, but when I was sitting in front of TV with my pyjamas on, I could never imagine what would happen. Never thought how cruel we, human beings, are. Thousands and thousands of people died, injured, hurt, lost, cried and prayed. No matter what the person had in his or her past, the life is counted as "1". It started with a little crack in trust, but it was somehow enough to make many people's lives as numbers. And the lives of the rest of us are going as usual without any changes until today. That's war.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Love! San Francisco!

What a lovely place! Being honest, I was thinking to move to New York seriously but never mind. How can I leave such a beautiful place? New York is great for sure. There are many things going on at the same time. And big enough to explore for years and years. (well, I don't even know anything about San Francisco.) I like, no, feel comfortable with the atmosphere of New York. Not too friendly, like Japanese. People here are too different from my people, maybe. I am not a racist (or maybe I am?), but cannot help feeling discomfort to these people. I cannot understand them.

So, why I came here? To know and experience the difference. wasn't it? Yes, that was the reason why I chose to come here, the US. I think it is more challenging for me to live in the west than the east somehow. Maybe, maybe not (who knows?). "discomfort" can be "interesting". Anyway there are still many places I never been and I am not staying here forever. I think I should struggle a little more to find "comfort", and the right time is not now. For now, just enjoy the life in awkwardness and shadow.