I watched "United 93", the movie about 9.11, the other day. It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years since then. I have no relative living in or related to New York. There is no connection between the city and me. I just remember that I was watching the World Trade Center burning, being crashed, falling and gone like a cheap plastic Lego on TV at 10:00pm in Japan. I was too young to recognize what was happening in the 32inch screen.

I had never thought I would watch how a war starts. Never thought I would face to any wars. For me, war was the brutal history of past human beings. I was wrong, but when I was sitting in front of TV with my pyjamas on, I could never imagine what would happen. Never thought how cruel we, human beings, are. Thousands and thousands of people died, injured, hurt, lost, cried and prayed. No matter what the person had in his or her past, the life is counted as "1". It started with a little crack in trust, but it was somehow enough to make many people's lives as numbers. And the lives of the rest of us are going as usual without any changes until today. That's war.
The more people worry about the war, the longer it is likely to go on. At least in their minds.
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