Sunday, February 04, 2007

Real World

I was on my usual bus to go back home from my favourite city, San Francisco, and encountered a very curious person.
I was dead tired. After walking whole day, talking hours and hours with my friend and what's more the delicious dinner finished with heavenly rich, fudge-like chocolate cake, all I needed was my i-Pod and a short nap. The curious guy spoke to me the very moment I was falling sleep. "Would you mind sitting next to you?", pointing the next seat where my bag full of clothes was. "...Oh, sorry!" , I moved my bag. Because I was about to sleep, I didn't realize the situation was odd. I thought the bus was crowded, that's why he asked, but in fact, it was far from "crowded". He asked me, "What kind of music do you listen to?". "umm...anything." Yes, I was very, very tired. Even though I like talking with strangers, I didn't feel like talking at all at the time and didn't want to keep the conversasion any longer. He asked, "Do you play any instruments?"."No," I answered shortly. "Don't you really? Piano, guitar, singing, anything? Don't you wish you could play?" Oh please, don't you see I am trying to sleep? "No," I said a little bit louder in a mean way to express "unwelcomeness" to him, but it went worse. "Don't you have anything you passionate about? Drawing or dancing or anything?" Yes, of course I do, but whatever, I didn't want to complicate this conversation any longer. What I want was sleep, not a chat. "Not really," I answered. "So you are happy doing nothing but going to city and buy some clothes and listening to music someone made, huh?" What a hell? None of his business. "Yes, I am," I said. "But don't you feel like you are special? Don't you feel you have a special talent no one has?" Ok, it is going crazy. "No," I was completely awake already. "Don't you want to be special, then? Don't you wish you had a special talent?" Now, I see what he was trying to do. "I know the place you can find and train your talent in San Francisco. Would you like to know about?" My answer was very simple, "No, thank you. I am happy with the life like this," that was the longest sentence I spoke to him the night. He was, however, professional. "Do you have someone special? Boyfriend, best friend?". "Yes," I start playing with my i-Pod. It was exotic Arabic pop I was listening to at the moment and that made me feel more uncomfortable. "Do you want to offer this great opportunity to someone you care?", "No," then finally he said, "Thank you for sparing me your time," and left. No need to say I couldn't take my nice after dinner nap for a while.

However, I wonder what the "great oppotunity" is about. I am not interested in joinning those strange programs, but what they actually "do" in the program...maybe something I don't really want to know, though.

How interesting to ride on buses, but poeple, be careful if an Asian guy ask you to sit next to you!


Blogger My Top Ten said...

Maybe you looked to him like you needed a sugar daddy!

Seriously, you did the wise thing though.

4:10 PM  

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