
I am quite sure that not many people see this blog.
However, I would like to ask you a question.
How do you feel about this photograph?
First, I thought it is just a crap, but somehow I think I like it.
I always put some lines that the photograph spoke to me, but this one is tricky.
I cannot find any words from it.
So, I was just wondering if there is someone who see something in this photograph or not.
Just a silly question...
just stumbled onto your blog - i really like your photos actually! this one in particular is rather provocative...
Here's what this photo says to me:
You who hides inside the shadow
Will you bring me good or grief?
It's a nice picture, but I would cut out the right (black) part.
Thanks for the comments!
To Rambler,
I am glad you like my photos. I feel strange to hear something about my photos from people because I had never showed my photos to anyone before I started this blog...make me nervous! It is good though. It gives me a different way to see things.
To Eugene R,
First, I was going to cut the black part as you said, but I decided to leave the part. I though it makes this photo more interesting. Without the part, this photo couldn't have as much strong impression as it has now, I think...well, strange Japanese way of thinking, maybe!
It is interesting that this photo spoke to you like that. Very unexpected.
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